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Critical role casino games


The City of Flowing Light

"The City of Flowing Light" (3x42) is the 42nd episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. Bells Hells depart from their new allies and head to Yios, where they are quickly dazzled by the lake-top metropolis' glamor and gambling

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

See also this episode's transcript

Part I[edit | edit source]

After a long rest following Chetney's trial, Bells Hells awaken and discuss their next steps. FCG and Laudna joke with Chetney and wonder if he is a member of the Gorgynei, to which Annaline responds that he is not, but is their ally, and could choose to return in the future and become one. She stresses that the trial was for all of them; that part of maintaining control is having friends around you who are willing to do what it takes if you lose yourself to your lycanthropic form. Chetney agrees, and he and Bells Hells discuss potential hand signals or strategies so that the warning sign is not just him attacking Orym. Manad meanwhile comes by with a rabbit he caught for breakfast. As FCG approaches Manad to learn his cooking techniques, Imogen, after discussing potential landmarks with Annaline, tells Xandis to bring the Silver Sun to meet them by a patch of red trees so they can continue on to Yios.

As they wait for the skyship, Orym tries out his new sword and learns that it can shoot out vines. Uther approaches him and asks about the sword, and Orym tells him that Will gave it to him originally, and Derrig gave him his shield. Uther shows Orym his own weapon, named the Jaw Taker, because he cut the jaw off the person from whom he took it. Orym asks Uther about his past, and Uther replies that he was once a member of the Claret Orders, originally from the Savalirwood in Wildemount, but he likes being in the Gorgynei now and helping the younger generation of lycanthropes.

Laudna meanwhile speaks with Fearne and asks that Fearne teach her some fire magic, as most of Laudna's spells are targeted rather than affecting multiple people in an area. As Fearne teaches her, she also asks Laudna how she feels about Delilah and her resurrection. Laudna responds that she's glad to be back, but still feels somewhat strange and scared of herself, and does not know where she stands regarding Delilah. Fearne apologizes for flipping the coin of the Changebringer to decide who to resurrect, and tells Laudna she missed her. She then shows Laudna how to create fire, and invites Laudna to shoot towards her and Little Mister. Laudna does so - unlike Fearne's more natural fire, hers is purple. She casts Fireball, which excites Mister and scorches Fearne. The rest of the party notices, but Fearne assures them she is okay and asked Laudna to attack, and that she loves teaching. She asks them to call her Professor Calloway.

Ashton then approaches Annaline for some training with the hammer. The two spar, and Annaline advises them on how to knock someone out without dealing permanent damage should they need to knock out Chetney. The Silver Sun then arrives, and Khalil Benes throws down the ladder. Annaline and Chetney have one last conversation, in which he says he may come back when things are quieter and asks about Uther, to which Annaline says she doesn't know the details, only that he did damage in his home and left for someplace new. She reminds him to work on his blood hunter skills. Bells Hells embarks upon the ship, and they sail off towards Yios.

The first day of travel is calm. Laudna and FCG go through the spices they took from Eshteross's home and review his recipe, and FCG works with Denalia to try to bake cookies. The landscape below the ship is mostly agrarian, and Xandis tells them that this part of Aeshanadoor is called Quoreo, and that they are following the Hablon River. The following day, when Orym comes to unchain Chetney, who is still sleeping in manacles as a precaution, he also gives him a roughly carved wolf figurine. Chetney tells Orym he is incredibly brave, and then heavily criticizes the wolf figurine, but tells Orym that he can, with many, many years of practice, improve. He gives Orym one of his carving chisels, and tells Orym to sign his work. Orym then excitedly tells Chetney about his sword, showing him that he can blind people with vines and telling him that the Wildmother seems to be watching them. The name of the sword is Seedling, the Wayward Pilgrim.

That day's travel is calm as well, with Xandis pointing out the elementally magical Shallowlands beyond Yios. They eventually reach Lake Koron, the lake on which Yios is built. They approach at evening, and see that the lake glows blue with some sort of bioluminiscent creatures. The city itself is connected to the mainland by bridges, and the lake has three separate tiers created by dams. The city is also three-tiered. Xandis decides to approach and dock at the Lakecap Skyport and Lounge. The skyport is quiet compared to the more central Jrusar skyport. Bells Hells discusses what to do that evening as they land.

Part II[edit | edit source]

Lyrios, the port captain, approaches the party after they finish docking, and Imogen pays her 50 gold to dock for a week to start. Bells Hells then goes into the lounge, which is full of perfumes, pipe smoke, drinks, and gambling, though it is not very crowded at this time. Laudna goes to find a table in a more secluded place for Imogen's comfort, and checks the tracker orb, which is still dark. Imogen expresses her worries about the Aydinlan Seminary and about her mother, and the party decides to take the night off and go to the seminary the next morning. Ashton buys a round of individualized drinks, and Orym notices that there are many wealthy patrons showing off in the lounge.

Ashton, Fearne, and FCG check out the lower floor and see that it is a little bit busier, but otherwise mostly the same. Chetney joins them, and FCG casts Detect Thoughts. There are no real patterns; one person is thinking about Stratos Throne spies and another about the upcoming apogee solstice party they are throwing. Fearne and Ashton approach one of the guards and ask for some tips from a local, and learn the seminary is in the Dominion Ring of the city, and that they should compare prices before chartering any boats into the lake, but not much else.

Laudna tells the party that she and Pâté could help them all cheat at cards; Orym and Imogen realize that as the newcomers, they are under some scrutiny, so it would be inadvisable now at least, though they could do so later. Chetney, Fearne, and FCG then decide to play Fork of the Storm, a dice game, instead, with Chetney covering FCG's ante. During the game, FCG casts Divination and asks the Changebringer what to do; she tells him to fold. They do not, and check instead. Chetney ultimately wins the pot. The rest of the party then goes over to play Griffon's Wall, and all of them earn back a portion of the pot, as the dealer busts. FCG then goes with Fearne to try to get a free room, on Chetney's request. They speak with Freya, who explains this is not possible despite their protestations. Ultimately, while they somewhat offend Freya, they pay for the room and give a generous tip, and they beseech her to lie to Chetney if he asks. Freya agrees. The rest of Bells Hells meanwhile plays another round of Fork of the Storm, and loses.

After FCG tells them they have a free suite, an uniya man approaches the party and introduces himself as Landon Kreshawl, a guide. Imogen's Insight reveals that he is telling the truth, and hopes to gain them as clients. Laudna and Orym convince him that Bells Hells are traveling performers, and after some discussion the party asks him to meet them in the morning. Bells Hells then go to their suite, which has five large beds and an excellent view. FCG casts Sending to request a tower of shrimp and to pretend it's free but that they will pay for it. A somewhat drunk Ashton thanks Imogen and Orym for being the impetus to go to Yios. They then call over Pâté, and tell him that they understand how important Pâté is to Laudna and that together, they will protect her. Also, if Pâté contains any aspect of Delilah, and Ashton finds out, he will kill him. Pâté is unsettled, but Laudna reassures him that this is just Ashton's way.

Chetney tells Imogen that she looks like she could use some relaxing time in the bathtub. Imogen thanks him, but then goes invisible and sneaks out of the room and casts Fly to go above the city, where it is quiet. She casts Sending to her mother and tells her she's in Yios and could really use her guidance. Liliana responds that Imogen should stay there, and that all she wants is for Imogen to be safe. Imogen replies that she is still terrified of the storm and worries it will take her away, and Liliana tells her that staying away is how to escape it. Imogen then quietly returns to the room and asks Orym to turn off the tap, which he does.

Bells Hells take their long rest and consider meeting with Preston Drodelon, who had told Fearne he lived in Yios and invited her to visit. They decide to go to the Seminary, and meet Landon in the lounge. Landon then begins to show them through the city, pointing out the many canals, the ferry system, and the unique architecture. The party notices that the city seems to have been built to follow the natural terrain. They also notice that there is some damage from the Apex War still being rebuilt. The party continues through the Endeavor Ring and the Tri-Bridge Plaza up to the Dominion Ring. Landon points out a Cobalt Soul library, various shops, and an amphitheater en route. They finally reach the castle-like Aydinlan Seminary, which Landon says he cannot enter, but he can wait for them. Ashton tips him generously. As the party goes to enter, they suddenly hear a croaking squawk, and see a bird that immediately dives to attack FCG.

Featured characters[edit | edit source]

Main player characters[edit | edit source]

Main article: Bells Hells

Companions[edit | edit source]

These characters are familiars or other companions of the player characters.

Returning[edit | edit source]

These characters previously appeared in Campaign 3 or any other Critical Role work.

New[edit | edit source]

These characters have not previously appeared in Campaign 3 or any other Critical Role work, though they may have been previously mentioned.

Mentioned[edit | edit source]

Quotations[edit | edit source]

Inventory[edit | edit source]

Adjustment Count Item Source Destination Notes
Transferred1 Wooden wolf OrymChetneyHand carved
Transferred50 Gold ImogenLyriosSkyship docking fee for a week
Transferred25 Gold ChetneyFCGConsumed as component for the Divination spell
Transferred Gold Lakeport Skyport and LoungeChetneyWinnings from Fork of the Storm. 80% of the pot and includes his gold contribution.
Transferred Gold FearneLakeport Skyport and LoungeLoss from Fork of the Storm
Transferred2 Gold ChetneyLakeport Skyport and LoungeTip for Fork of the Storm dealer
Transferred12 Gold Lakeport Skyport and LoungeChetneyWinnings from Griffon's Wall
Transferred12 Gold Lakeport Skyport and LoungeLaudnaWinnings from Griffon's Wall
Transferred12 Gold Lakeport Skyport and LoungeImogenWinnings from Griffon's Wall
Transferred12 Gold Lakeport Skyport and LoungeOrymWinnings from Griffon's Wall
Transferred12 Gold Lakeport Skyport and LoungeAshtonWinnings from Griffon's Wall
Transferred12 Gold FearneLakeport Skyport and LoungePayment for room
Transferred5 Gold FearneLakeport Skyport and LoungeTip for Freya
Transferred50 Gold ChetneyLakeport Skyport and LoungeLoss from Fork of the Storm
Transferred50 Gold ImogenLakeport Skyport and LoungeLoss from Fork of the Storm
Transferred Gold AshtonLakeport Skyport and LoungeLoss from Fork of the Storm
Transferred10 Gold AshtonLakeport Skyport and LoungeTip for the shrimp
Transferred10 Gold AshtonLandon8 gold for his services, plus 2 gold tip

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

