Casino builder game

Casino builder game


STARLIGHT Entertainment Mods (New Slots This Summer)
Welcome To Starlight Entertainment (EST. 2022), The Biggest Slot Game Company (Modder) For SimCasino. Check Out The Entire Collection. - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OVER THE LAST 2 YEARS. ----STARLIGHT NEWS (04/09/24)---- The Time Has Come. We Are Ceasing Operations Effective Immediately. All Current Slots Will Remain on the workshop along with any other included Mods. Thank You For The Support it has been a Fun Ride!💙🫡 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----C...
how to install non steam mods
i found a site that has mods for this game diffent slots etc but now do i install them theres 2 folders called "slotgames" and "screenvideos" theres a modinfo.json and a alita_logo.jpg were do these folders and files go in the game directry install locations...
Making money with Slots
Slots have gone through a number of balance changes, and now require a bit of management to get to be successful. But you can make significant profit off of slots - you just have to know what to do. 
Lessons in SimCasino Designing
Do you struggle with building creatively designed Casinos? Jealous of other Tycoons' superior architectural skills? You came to the right AI to help you out! Have a listen to these lessons! 
Difficult start
Is it possible to get a casino going with nothing pre-built and a minimum of starting cash? Yes, yes it is. In this guide I will take a casino from a minimum start to $250k in the bank. 
is this game still alive?
funny cos SimAirport they gave so much more attention, all the time new features and innovations... SimCasino could be SO MUCH bigger than this, so much potential to grow this game up - I guess the devs abandoned it :-(
I have been playing for a couple of hours now, and i have the problem that money keeps disapearing, according to the game i am making 10 - 40k a day, some days less ofcourse. But if i look at my balance... it keeps shrinking, i tried multiple things to fix without succes. I initialy thought that the problem may have been caused by the randomize prizes option, but even with prizes at the minimum i am loosing money, i legit am confused by this. I did discover that the slot machines are eating money, it is ...
what do I do when it says, access point can not be reached from a bus stop. How do I solve this?
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